Neritica Fishing – Passion Is Our Driving Force
If you ask anyone what the driving force behind any successful project, business, or product is, they’ll probably say passion. Sure you can have a great idea, but without that spark of passion for what you do, it isn’t going to work. So when it comes to fishing, there isn’t anyone more passionate about it than us. In fact Neritica Fishing has it in spades.
Since I can remember fishing has been my poison. Not the bland ‘take your kid to the pier and hope for the best’ type fishing but fishing that’s driven by something bigger, something more meaningful. Scientific even. These days, I’m lucky enough to be able to channel that passion and turn it into a custom rod building business. A business that provides the very best custom-made, locally produced fishing rods and rod blanks.
You see, I strongly believe that at the heart of every good rod design is an even better fisherman and at Neritica we take this very seriously. We produce the highest quality rods from scratch. Rods that are built by fishermen for fishermen! It’s this ethos that I believe makes us stand out from our competition.
Starting with $2000 in my pocket and a whole lot of time and effort spent working with local, Australian experts in the field, the Neritica fishing team has analysed, designed, built & tested every product we have produced. Every product was conceived from practical, real-world needs we see everyday in our customers
So how can we help you?
We don’t just manufacture fishing rods and rod blanks. Instead we’ll help you create the kind of rod that will still be your trophy rod 10 years down the track. Neritica fishing brings you original, relevant rods that are working right now in their given field. And we’re not too humble to say just why our rods are popular amongst fishermen:
- It’s not (just) about enhancing your fishing technique
- It’s not (just) about that next 5% rod performance improvement
- It’s not (just) about getting that extra action from your lure
Today, it’s all about the bigger picture. When it comes to rod building Neritica rods are built by understanding all the facets of effective fishing – and we cover them all. If you’re looking for a custom fishing rod that’s built by a team that really gets what you do and why you do it, then get in touch.